A faint star of enormous density.
Examples for "white dwarf"
Examples for "white dwarf"
1Pushing a white dwarf into the solar system, to carry it away.
2The gravity of the white dwarf attracts the red giant's ejected material.
3The more massive the white dwarf is, the slower the pulses get.
4Nothing bright remains save a scattering of dim red and white dwarf stars.
5They can slowly burn down to the level of a white dwarf star.
1They can slowly burn down to the level of a white dwarf star.
2Its parent stars are a small, dense white dwarf star and a quickly rotating pulsar.
3A white dwarf star, bright but unwelcoming to life.
4A white dwarf star, Padronis had no companions in space, no planets or asteroids in orbit.
5At its centre was a blinding point of light-thewhite dwarf star that the sun had now become.
6Eventually, the Sun will discard its outer gaseous shield, leaving behind a white dwarf star with a white-hot stellar core.
7The team modeled what would happen if a common white dwarf star wandered near one of these medium-sized black holes.
8When it reaches the end of its lifetime, it will become a red giant before turning into a white dwarf star.
9Scientists now think the star used to be heavier, but a companion white dwarf star has been sucking mass off its sibling.
10Nothing bright remains save a scattering of dim red and white dwarf stars.
11Hubble also measured the brightness of exploding white dwarf stars -Type 1A supernovas.
12White dwarf stars slowly accumulated helium in their outer shells, causing them to go nova at wide intervals.
13One place to look proposed by Russian physicists is in the novas, or smaller explosions, produced when white dwarf stars belch out energy.
14One is that two dense white dwarf stars merge together, and blow up in a cataclysmic blast that leaves no trace of either star.
Translations for white dwarf star